Your company may be a start up, a mid sized company, a large enterprise or a multi national company, all of them are aware about what impact digital marketing can do to their branding and sales. Business nowadays cannot be imagined if it is not on a digital platform. The best thing about marketing your products or services on digital world is, you can choose your audience, you can customise the areas of interests, you can diversify your products according to the class and most importantly, you can do all this things within your budget. Today there is hardly any business that can survive without being present on digital platform.
The only thing that a company needs to focus is that, it should keep on upgrading as per the current trends. Changing or re-structuring strategies as per the ongoing trend is very important for business otherwise it will literally wash away their marketing efforts done before.
Let us now see that what would be the important trends in digital marketing that will rule 2020
Social Media Marketing
The current social media marketing majorly revolves around Facebook and LinkedIn. But you cannot rule out the rising dominance of Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok in the space. Data has shown that Facebook users have silently gone down in the last year and around 42 % of the Facebook users are above the age of 65. If a business is only focused on Facebook for marketing, they will soon need to diversify their focus on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube. Your presence on these platform will surely give you an edge over your competitors. Being present all over will also assure you the dominance and visibility on social media.
Chatbox Software
Chatbox is a chatting software technology which communicate with the user very naturally. This technology can minimise the use of human interaction and hence can be proved to be a very useful tool for giving your customers a user friendly professional experience.
Uses of Chatbox
Available 24 hours a day
No holiday or no vacation
No break time and no overtime pay
Cost effective for business
Instant connection with users
Data shows that nearly 45.3 % people love to chat for their queries rather than to call the customer service and wait for it to connect.
Video Marketing
With all the consumers going online on their smartphones, simply marketing through images or graphics will not attract your potential customers. Promoting your products through video streaming or videography would be a definite hit amongst your customers. Study shows that the chances of the post sharing on any social media is more if it is in video format. It is also seen that video ads have higher conversion ratio.
Content Marketing
Creating more and more good content for your users is still a hit. Good content not only increases your brand value but also help you in search engine ranking. People still like to read good content for knowledge, reference and recommendations. Content Marketing will be a great hit in 2020 and even in the years to come. Hire a content writer today who can deliver good quality writings for your business
Marketing through Messaging Apps
Direct messaging Apps like WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat and Facebook messenger are proving to be more successful than before. There is a rising trend of advertisements columns in these messenger service apps. Whatsapp marketing with Facebook along with Google paid ads will prove to be a great combination in 2020. This trend will continue this year before something new and promising appears. Hence marketing through these kinds of messengers apps would lead to massive success in 2020.
SEO with NEXT_GEN tools
With so many businesses coming online, Google and other search engines have started to upgrade their algorithms. In the coming years, search engine algorithm will be more specific, more effective and it will accurately analyse a website as per the website’s content and user requirements. The website with professional, clean and right content will definitely benefit from this change and other websites which lacks good and updated content will take a hard hit. For eg - Google is now working on BERT update. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. This will change the experience in far better way for the users as it would be focused more on accuracy and delivery. The right content will be shown to the users with more and more proficiency. The websites which lacks accurate information for their users will be downgraded in the search results. In 2020, all the businesses should be ready for this particular change and update their content accordingly.
Voice Search will take a boost
With new features like Siri, Alexa, Google Talk, the option of searching for any product or service over a voice is increasing day by day. It gives more convinience to the user. Voice search will play a major role for representing a business online. It will surely give lots of convenience to the users and your presence on voice search is essential for your brand. Make sure your website is mobile friendly & interactive before being present on voice search. Users will voice search only through mobile phones and visit your website on mobile only.
Shiny and Interactive Email marketing
Gone are the days when we use to get that plain email into our inbox. Today no one like to see a plain simple email with marketing stuff. This year will see a rise in that shiny email that looks more attractive and beautiful which would urge the user to notice it. This email will be more interactive with call to action button. Get your marketing teams to design those interactive and attractive emails so you won’t be left behind. Emails were and would be a massive hit in the near future also. Hence be prepared with your email marketing designs to boost your brand.
These 8 points will definitely change the way we do digital marketing in 2020, but not to forget that many more tools like affiliate marketing, lifecycle marketing, blogging, re-marketing will grow and mark its significance in the coming days. Also we should not neglect the increasing use of data science and artificial intelligence in digital marketing and see it soon rulling the digital world in the next future. So get future ready to fly high.